Lakes, rivers, and aquifers keep Burnet County thriving

Burnet County is a jewel in Texas Hill Country, where water shapes the landscape and the lives of its residents. From rolling hills covered in bluebonnets to the serene Highland Lakes, water is central to the county’s natural beauty and vibrant community.

But beneath the surface, Burnet County relies on a complex system of aquifers to help meet its water needs. As more people discover the charm of Burnet County, everyone should understand and appreciate the value of the water that sustains it. 

Whether enjoying a weekend on the lakes or making Burnet County a new home, every decision impacts the local water supply. By fostering a culture of awareness and stewardship, both long-time residents and newcomers can help ensure that Burnet County remains a thriving and beautiful place for generations to come. Burnet County doesn’t just run on water; it thrives because of it.

Water is the Key Ingredient for Life in

Burnet County

Did you know? The Highland Lakes are dammed reservoirs of the Colorado River used for water supply, flood control, and hydroelectric power.

Rocks Matter: Burnet County’s unique geology contributes to a complex aquifer system.

Burnet County relies on 6 aquifers and parts of all 5 Highland Lakes. Most creeks and streams start from groundwater.

Did you know over half of Burnet County folks rely on groundwater for their homes?

One gallon of used motor oil can taint a million gallons of fresh water. Be mindful of your waste to keep our groundwater clean.

Every Burnet County aquifer has important recharge areas, which lets fresh water in, and potential contaminants too.

Water and oil aren’t the only things that flow in Texas. The Hill Country has 68 breweries, producing some of the best dang beer in Texas!
Craft Beer Austin

Did you know every river between the Rio Grande and the Middle Colorado is born right here in the Hill Country?
Hill Country Alliance
Three of the top 5 fastest growing counties in the US are right here in the Texas Hill Country. Texas was already big, but it’s still growing, y’all.
US Census
The 1,100 springs of the Texas Hill Country supply water to 11 million acres, 17 counties, and over 4 million Texans.  
The County Information Program
Did you know it takes about 660 gallons of water to make 1 hamburger?
Water Calculator
Texas has over 1.26 million acres of freshwater in lakes, ponds and reservoirs… second only to Alaska in total volume of freshwater.
Texas Aquatic Science
Chicken and goat are the least water intensive meats to consume.
Pacific Institute
That pint of beer your swigging took about 150 gallons of water to fill. Bottoms up.
Hot dam! Texas has a total of 7,300 dams. That's more than any other state.
StateImpact Texas
Texas bubbles with about 3,000 springs, including some of the largest in America.
Texas Aquatic Science
Irrigation accounts for 74% of Texas’ groundwater consumption.
Read More Texas Stats

Different parts of Texas have different relationships with water.

See how these other regions handle their water.

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