Water keeps culture and business alive in Houston.

People tend to think of oil when they hear mention of Houston. But that’s not the only liquid gold flowing through this Texas city. Houston is home to some of the biggest, most successful companies in the world. It’s a city of free-flowing, forward-thinking ideas and has one of the most diverse populations in the country. And water is at the center of it all.

From cooling oil drills to cooling you off on a 102 degree day, water is essential to to the work and play of all Houstonians.

Water is the Key Ingredient for Life in


Houston has 39 wastewater treatment facilities, 18 storm water underpass pump stations, and over 383 lift stations!
Houston Facts 2020
Did you know it takes about 660 gallons of water to make 1 hamburger?
Water Calculator
The City of Houston treated an average of 449 million gallons of water per day in ’17.
Houston Facts 2020
The Gulf Coast is one of the wettest parts of the US, and Houston gets intense rainfall! Its flat landscape creates wide floodplains and slow bayous.
Living with Water Houston
About 7 million people live in the Greater Houston area. Since 2000, Houston has nearly doubled in size!

Living With Houston Water
Houston is built on bayous! Its rail lines converge at Buffalo Bayou, which converts into the Houston Ship Channel, and then flows into Galveston Bay.
Living with Water Houston
Houston Water maintains over 7,000 miles of drinking water pipeline!
Houston Facts 2020
That pint of beer your swigging took about 150 gallons of water to fill. Bottoms up.
Read More Texas Stats

Different parts of Texas have different relationships with water.

See how these other regions handle their water.

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